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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson

In the time when the entire world is fighting for the Covid19, the book  Fever 1793 which is a historical fiction shows the horror of such disaster. Though in this book it’s a state disaster  the question that rise is would you only help your family in such disaster or would you  help the nation and not be selfish ( though we all have seen how celebrity with covid kept on partying without informing the authority  a perfect example of selfishness. .

Corona virus or Yellow fever which is in this book actually showed the world how we are as human beings, how we react when there is a catastrophe,and  the horror of human suffering.

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse  Anderson is a young adult historical fiction, but the incident actually took place in Philadelphia in 1793 when thousands and thousands of people died in yellow fever.The book points out  how the society fear outsider ( blaming  refugee for bringing the yellow fever in) isn’t it relatable?. No one was allowed to cross different cities with fever. They were left to die anywhere as everyone was scared of the disease getting spread.


The story is of Matilda a 14 year old from Philadelphia whose family suffered yellow fever. The struggle the pain she went through (especially in the time when the world had no technology, no knowledge about disease and also no doctors.) looking for her mother, who suffered yellow fever.
It was the time when people didn’t know how the disease is spread. They just knew if you had the disease you  would suffer and die.
No body understood that it was through mosquito that the fever was spreading like wild fire. Out 40000 people 4000 people died in immense pain and suffering.
When the winter sets in the  infection rate slows down. Because doctor didn’t know how to treat this ,they often cut patient views and let the blood flow. and have their blood drip into a bowl until the doctor thought the disease was removed from the person.   But this method killed more people than it saved because draining the blood of really weak. A book with pain, suffering, happiness, loss everything you need in this crisis time.The author did so much research  on the topic yellow fever.  Being an adult I completely forgot this book is for teenagers .

The book is definitely not for young adult, it will be boring for them to understand history. But I would recommend  adults to read this specially when the entire world is going through a situation like this.